Other TID Projects

Other TID Projects

State Route 747 @ Tylersville Road

The Tylersville Road intersection with SR 747 illustrated how TID's local initiatives improved transportation and did so in a cost- and time-efficient manner. Traditional road authorities planned to add turn lanes to the busy intersection to meet an urgent need for better safety and traffic flow. But all this work would have to be torn up later when the entire road was widened to four lanes.

The TID, with the Butler County Engineer's Office and under a permit issued by ODOT, stepped in to make improvements to the intersection that would not be sacrificed later. The TID completed the project in one and a half years, compared to a predicted two years for the "quick fix" method. This "do it right the first time" approach saved Butler County taxpayers nearly $500,000 and avoided additional delays created by two separate renovations.
  • Year started: 1993
  • Year completed: 1996
  • Project cost: $2,094,000 
  • Engineering firm: URS
  • Construction contractor: Sunesis Construction

Union Centre Interchange & Boulevard

  • The TID along with Butler County, West Chester Township, ODOT and private contributions constructed a new interchange along Interstate 75. The project was the first project constructed on the federal highway system done by an independent public agency. The construction of the interchange along with the 2.7 miles of Union Centre Boulevard opened up thousands of acres for commercial and industrial development. The private donations of right-of-way and other contributions exceeded $7 million.
  • Year started: 1994
  • Year completed: 2001
  • Project cost: $24,888,000
  • Engineering firm: URS - Interchange, CDS Associates & DSD Consultants - Boulevard
  • Construction contractor: John R. Jurgensen - Interchange Don S. Cisle, John R. Jurgensen & Silverhawk – Boulevard

Muhlhauser Rd

The Muhlhauser Road extension created another vital link from State Route 747 to I-75. This connection helped alleviate traffic congestion and encouraged economic development throughout the area.

The improvements to Muhlhauser Road from Union Centre to SR 747 included a new roadway and the widening of the current roadway. The five-lane section of roadway - between Allen Road and International Boulevard - opened in December 1998, and the widening of Muhlhauser Road to five lanes from International Boulevard to State Route 747 was completed in October 1999.
  • Year started: 1995
  • Year completed: 1999
  • Project cost: $9,309,000
  • Engineering firm: Bayer Becker
  • Construction contractor: SK Construction

Union Centre Extension (Symmes Rd)

This project extended Union Centre Boulevard from State Route 747 to Seward Road. The extension links a major Butler County east-west road to new developments in West Chester Township. It also opened up approximately 600 acres for future economic investments. This extension helped alleviate traffic congestion and provided an additional link to I-75. 
  • Year started: 1996
  • Year completed: 2002
  • Project cost: $8,103,00
  • Engineering firm: KZF
  • Construction contractor: John R. Jurgensen

State Route Bypass 4 at Creekside

The TID completed the Bypass 4/State Route 4 intersection improvements and the relocation of Reigart Road in December 1999. Construction included turn lanes on Bypass 4 and Route 4; the four-way signalization of Bypass 4, Route 4 and Reigart Road, and the relocation of Reigart Road directly across from Bypass 4.

As part of the project, the TID also signalized the State Route 4/Creekside Drive intersection in conjunction with the opening of the Millikin Road Bridge over Bypass 4, which was completed by the Butler County Engineer's Office.
  • Year started: 1997
  • Year completed: 2000
  • Project cost: $1,286,400
  • Engineering firm: Kleingers & Associates
  • Construction contractor: LP Cavett

State Route 747 from Port Union to Smith Road and Tylersville Road to State Route 129

The TID was involved with widening State Route 747 from Port Union Road to State Route 129. The TID received grants for Phases 1 and 3 of the project. The second phase, Smith Road to Tylersville Road, was completed by the Butler County Engineer’s office with a grant they received. The TID also assisted Liberty Township in right-of-way acquisition north at Princeton Road.
  • Year started: 1998
  • Year completed: 2005
  • Project cost: $10,549,000
  • Engineering firm: Bayer Becker and DLZ
  • Construction contractor: John R. Jurgensen

Lakota West Drive

As the TID was working on the improvements with Muhlhauser Road and Union Centre Boulevard, it was determined realigning Lakota West Drive to intersect with the new roadways was the best option. Although this has been the TID’s smallest project to date, it was a critical one for West Chester Township and also Lakota Schools, with the Lakota West High School located at the terminus on the west end.
  • Year started: 1999
  • Year completed: 1999
  • Project cost: $318,000
  • Engineering firm: Kleingers & Associates
  • Construction contractor: RB Jergens

West Chester Road

West Chester Township entered into an agreement for the TID to widen West Chester Road adding a turn lane and curbs and gutters. The project was being completed in two phases. Phase B was started in October 2000. Phase A, which took over where Phase B stops at the Union Centre Intersection, continued to Beckett Road. 
  • Year started: 2000
  • Year completed: 2001
  • Project cost: $2,877,000
  • Engineering firm: DSD Consultants
  • Construction contractor: LP Cavett and SK Construction

State Route Bypass 4 at Princeton Road

The Princeton Road at State Route 4 Bypass project was initiated by Fairfield Township to improve infrastructure to service this thriving area. The Township undertook the improvements to accommodate the traffic generated by additional traffic congestion from the development of Bridgewater Falls and the west side that includes Home Depot and Walmart.

The project consisted of widening Princeton Road and Bypass State Route 4, including installing a new signal at the Winford Drive intersection and revising the signalization at State Route 4 Bypass.
  • Year started: 2001
  • Year completed: 2002
  • Project cost: $2,262,000
  • Engineering firm: CESO, Inc
  • Construction contractor: Don S. Cisle

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