Unique from traditional transportation agencies, the TID accomplishes projects better, cheaper, and faster.
Better: Building Consensus
With the oversight of several state and federal agencies, including the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT), the TID serves Butler County, two cities, and three townships. For a project to occur in one political subdivision, there must be a consensus that exemplifies intergovernmental coordination. Because the TID is local, it is more responsive and responsible to community concerns.
We don't have a state or federal bureaucracy to navigate and can react as we see fit to meet specific, local needs. Investment in transportation lays the foundation for economic growth. We make the investment in local projects that may or may not have ever been considered by state or federal authorities.
Faster: Paper to Pavement
Created to cut through bureaucracies that cause lengthy delays, the TID accelerates the development of road construction through concurrent design and engineering and expedited construction schedules. Carrying out several tasks on a project concurrently means faster completion at a lower cost.
Doing It Cheaper
Construction costs rise at a rate of two percent to three percent each year. Because we accelerated the schedule for the Michael A. Fox Highway and shaved four to five years off traditional schedules, we are saved $8 to $10 million on the cost of the highway - a $158 million project.